Monday, February 6, 2012

Workplace Woes

I used to be in the military.  It wasn't glamorous, and I didn't really enjoy all the military part of it, but my job, I loved my job.  I was a Russian Linguist.  Kind of a low grade spy I guess.  It was a lot of fun.  I was forced out because of my weight, I was to fat to sit in a chair and listen to people talk.  I guess there are standards, but that was really a defining moment in my self loathing.

Now, I work at a retail chain.  I pick up shit off the floor because people are assholes.  I refold shirts and organize hangers.  This is how far I've fallen.  I am not a glorified janitor.  It is fairly depressing.  I've had a lot of jobs, I have worked for the government a couple of time, including a stint at the Post Office.  Trying to find a job I love.  I have been an electrician, installed cable and satellites, the afforementioned translator and redirector of mail, I have even washed cars for a living.  Nothing seems to fit. 

I love languages.  I speak several.  I'm not really fluent in any, but I can get by in quite a few places.  It's handy and it interests me.  I am finally at a place in my life where I am happy with 90 percent of it.  I like where I live well enough, I would like a bigger place, but this one will suffice for the time being, I like my car.  I love my husband and children, both furry and non.   I just LOATHE my job.  If I can fix that one little speck I may find myself truly happy for perhaps the first time ever. That would be an interesting feeling..

I suppose I should consider myself lucky to even have a job, but I can't bring myself to do so.  I think I may simply be overwhelmed with work, school, kids, late nights full schedules.  I've got a lot going on.  My weight loss has stalled and that annoys me, even when I do everything right, nothing.  I wish I were able to find the time and energy I need to hit a gym, but, thats life, right?

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