Friday, February 17, 2012


Man, I am one hot mess today.  This week has been crazy stressful and it seems to keep getting worse.  I have been so busy with kids, school, dogs, work...  I feel like I am just about ready to drop from excess stimulation.  Then I come home, lay in bed, close my eyes, and don't sleep.  I'm so tired!  Once I finally get to sleep I am back up again a few hours later.  It's insane.
Also, truth be told, Hercules is not as good as Xena.  A minor issue, but still.

I have been havine a really hard time concentrating on my eating.  I have lost the dedication I had and the willpower to avoid things, or in some cases limit, the things I want.  I have a feeling I am heading for a meltdown of some kind.  All that is left now is to see what kind it will be.  

Tomorrow, my new mattress will be delivered.  I am hoping it will help with my back pain and my sleep issues.  I guess I will find out.  Also, tomorrow, my girl scout cookies will be delivered.  I'm pretty stoked about that at least.


  1. Molly, honey, anyway you can get out and do a short walk once or twice a day? You sound like you need a way to manage all of this stress. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES????? I run from those little girls when I see them coming!
    Your defenses are down. You are overwhelmed. Try to eat mindfully- at least choose how much you are going to have instead of doing it with abandon. At least you have a little control then. AND each hour of the day is an opportunity to start over, so if you ahve a bad moment, then, just accept it and go on.
    Regardless, you will not go back to where you were! You have come too far. this might be a time when things slow but reversal just won't happen! (((((((HUGS)))))))

  2. Ha, I don't even have enough time in the day to CONTEMPLATE a walk!! I am seriously overloaded. Even my days off are chock full of stuff. It is a little tough at time. Luckily, since the children came along, I don't have to worry about scarfing an entire box of Girl Scout cookies! I only got about 5 samoas and maybe 6 thin mints out of the deal, so that was good!!
