Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It begins.....again


That's what I weighed this morning.  TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX POUNDS. 

I need to make a change.  I've said that before.  I remember it, and I'm sure my followers (what few of you I have after 2 years of a silence).   5 years ago I had quite a bit of success, but for some reason or another, I got off track and now here I am again.  Huge.  I feel old, sluggish, tired, and just and around bleh.  I feel slow and heavy and dammit I don't like it.

I have a support system.  I have friends who are local and willing to help in any way possible.  I have people to motivate me, but who will continue to love me the way I am if I fail.  I have the information I need.  I've done this before after all....

Things I'm going to do differently this time:
1. Take the advice: look into the things people tell me about and don't discount anything as a "fad" because maybe that's just the jumpstart I need
2. Look into programs: maybe I need that structure.  The support and meetings and the ease of it all. (Weight loss is never "easy" but it seems so much simpler on a program)
3. Increments: mini goals.  I ultimately want to lose 100 pounds but maybe like, 10 by Halloween.  20 by Thanksgiving...  mini goals
4. Focus on other aspects: don't let the scale rule all.  I am going to check that little bastard regularly, but I will gauge my success on other things, like how my clothes fit, how much more I can lift, how much faster and farther I can run, how good I feel.  Real indications
5. Measurements: I'm going to take them tonight and I'm going to keep track.  Because the scale is only one set of number
6. Big rewards: I'm considering putting a dollar in a jar for each pound I lose.  Then when I reach my goal, using that money (and whatever else I toss in there, because I hate change in my pocket) to do something I've always wanted to do, or buy something I've wanted forever just didn't want to throw the money at it.
7. Involve the family: it will be easier when it's not just me.  I want to get my kids motivated to.  I could just go running, or we could take a family bike ride.  I could do sprints, or I could play soccer or basketball with the boys.  I could do laps, or I can race the kids in the pool.  Involve them, let them know what's going on.  It will help them in the long run as well.
8. Focus on food: before I would eat whatever the hell I wanted and just work off the extra.  This time the food changes come first.  I'm going to focus on eating and then on working out. (It's actually kind of a matter of necessity more than anything, given that my knee is currently broken and I will need to eventually have surgery.)  Research and learn how to make better, more sustainable food choices.  Don't take the easy way out.  Whole, non processed food when able.  More water.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
9. Write it down: I will be blogging this entire journey.  Starting today.  I don't know if it will be a daily or weekly blog, but this is where I'm at.  I will add pictures, recipes, thoughts, feelings, frustrations....anything that comes to kind.  The good and the bad.  It will all be available here.  My dirty little life exposed for everyone to see how the fun healthy, skinnier me is reborn from this mess I am now.
10. DO NOT GIVE UP: realize that I will falter and there will be setback.  I will get up and I will carry on.  No more "well I fucked that up, let's eat a whole pizza and get drunk"  no.  I'm done.  The new me starts now!

If you don't care to follow my journey, don't.  If you want to follow along and fight with me, please do.  If you just want to read and thank whatever deity you believe in that you don't have to be this pathetic sap that can't function properly, that's ok too.  If you have advice, recipes, ideas, feelings, workouts, please share.  I'm willing to listen and learn.  I want to do this right and make this the last time I ever have to put together something like this blog.


  1. If you need any words of motivation or encouragement on your way to healthy living, mean planning tips, anything , you better message me! I know we've got miles between us and haven't seen each other in forever or 15+ years, but I'll be cheering you on with each progress step you post.

    Find one activity that motivates you to get physically active, and start off slowly and build from there. It won't be easy, and it might make you hurt (especially if you go too hard in the beginning), but it'll be worth it for the health benefits alone.

    1. I definitely will message you. I honestly don't know where to start. I seriously don't even eat a lot of junk. I rarely eat at all. But I'm also not very active. Just signed both my kids up for scouts though so I'll be doing some more moving with them

    2. Start by writing down everything you eat. Sometimes we don't realize what we are eating.
      Next see a doc to get some basic blood work done (TSH, lipid, Glucose, etc), so you know where you are and if anything is out of normal range.
      Find a healthy way of eating that you are fine with (remember a diet is only what you eat, so it's just a word..), if you have to research nutrition or see a nutritionist to help improve health. The only fad "diet" I would bother to recommend is 21 day sugar detox, which merely teaches you to live without processed foods and sugar for the 21 days by eating super "clean" foods, and resets your taste buds so natural sugar in fruit is super sweet again.

      Work on increasing your activity level, taking your knee into consideration. I found jiu jitsu a couple years ago, and it's helped both physically and mentally..and is addicting. Try to find something that is similar to how jiu jitsu is for me, for you (and if it's jiu jitsu, awesome).

      Those are just some starting off pointers.

      And in case you're ever having a bad day, write yourself a motivational quote on your bathroom mirror with dry erase marker..seeing positive thoughts helps make you think positive, positive thinking causes positive action.

    3. Thanks Jenn! I have blood work done fairly regularly, I'm the only person in my entire family who doesn't suffer from some sort of thyroid disorder.....
      I promise to look into a bunch of activities. My boss is in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class and he loves it. Maybe I'll check it out

  2. I hope you don't mind, I'll be joining you on your journey. I need to make better choices again.

    I think the mason jar meals I've been seeing on health sites seems like a great alternative to fast food for meals on the go.
    I gotta cut back on my wheat intake. I eat so much wheat products.
