So, today I stayed home from work because last night my child thought projectile vomit would make a good room decor. To say the least it was an exciting, if not terribly restful night. He still felt kind of blase this morning, so he and I stayed home.
It was kind of good because I got a lot of research done. I looked into a lot of programs and diets and even a few apps, basically looking for the tools that would be the most advantageous to me and my current struggle. I also found a few charts and tracking tools that will help me along the way.
Again, I did no exercise, but I did pay better attention to my eating and found that I snack more than I had originally thought. I also have an addiction to milk. I love it. I may have to cut it back a bit.
I was going to take my measurement today but I got caught up in a couple other things. I now have another super huge reason to buckle down and get this weight off. And I will do it!
I have also been given a task or two that will take my mind off of the incredible boredom I'm faced with daily. I've got a mission that engages my brain and that means I'll spend less time eating to cure my boredom. Less, hmmm, maybe I'm hungry, when in fact I'm not.
So there's where we are on day 3
Unofficial weight loss progress: 5 pounds down
Water intake: two liters
Off we go!
Official progress will begin when I can decide the best time to weigh myself each week.
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