Monday, June 18, 2012

A Me I Like: Musings on a lazy day.

I realized today that I have been slowly trying to reinvent myself.  Mostly, all I really want to be is someone I like.   It is a terrible affliction to be someone you dislike.

Lately I have spent a lot of time working on the outside.  I have been losing weight, changing hair colors, cuts, clothes.  I have been trying to work on the inside as well.  I try to be less angry, get more sleep, care more about things that matter.  Really I could give a shit less about half the drama in the world.  Sometimes it just feels like I'm dead inside to things that people take very personally.

I don't care if others like me or not.  It's hard to really give a crap what others think if you don't care about it yourself, you know.  Somewhere in this constant reinvention, I am hoping to find someone I care about.  It is hard to feel things like pride in ones accomplishments, or happiness for others when you don't feel much in general.  Sometimes I really wish I could muster enough energy to care about things, but alas there is nothing.

I do have things that I am VERY passionate about.  These things I will fight about till I'm either lying bleeding on the floor or until the wrong is righted.  Sometimes these fights seem futile and I think I'll never win, but I'm not going to give up.

In short, I'm tired of being the person that I was.  I don't mind being cynical, or even being an outright bitch, but other than those things, I don't much care for the box in which I was placed.  Sometimes I wish I could just erase everything (minus a few things I think VERY important to me, such as my family) and just start from scratch. 

Somehow I think 30 is a little old to begin anew, but I can keep making these small adjustments and tweak these little bits.  Maybe by the time I'm 40 I'll have found a me that I can live with contentedly.

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