I've accomplished nothing today. Not a damn thing.
That's not true, I finished my unemployment enrollment, I guess I've done something.
I had every intention of getting up early today, taking the kids to school, knocking out my workout, running a few errands and cleaning the upstairs bathroom.
I failed. Hubby took the kids to school, I slept until 11. Ok, I TRIED to sleep until 11. It's hard when you can't sleep. Even my prescribed temazepam didn't do me any good. I just kept waking up.
It's now 4:30 and I've eaten for the first time today. Don't judge me, I've been super busy doing nothing, remember. In all actuality, I did start with the errand for unemployment, then I made an attempt to help someone fix their car. That took hours and proved futile as we got nowhere. Best of luck to then on their next attempt. After retrieving the children from the school that I neglected to drop them at, I'm not home, and I sat down. Why did I sit down?
I really have so much to do. I need to clean the upstairs bathroom, it must be done, it's part of my home upkeep plan. If I'm not going to be working I will have a clean house, dammit!
I also need to write my article. I'm super interested in the content but I'm having trouble making it sound as though it may be interesting to others. I mean, I'm a super nerd, soooo.....
I start physical therapy on Wednesday. From what I hear it's supposed to be brutal. Not sure I'm ready for that. But if it helps get my knees back where I can use them I'm all for it. Besides, lots of squats equals a nice ass, right? And I could stand to lose a little (lottle probably) weight
So this is basically a long boring post just to let yall know I'm still alive and kicking. I really have nothing interesting to write about today. Sorry, folks, I can't be witty and fun everyday
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