Today is the Fourth of July. The birthday of the nation. A day for celebrating freedom. So I chose today to start my challenge. I am going to set myself free. On the surface it mayb look like just another weight loss journey but, as I learned last time I lost weight, it is much more than that. It is quite literally setting myself free. Free from uncomfortable clothes. Free from embarassment about how I look. Freedom from the constraints of an overweight body on my limbs and lungs.
I am going to challenge myself for a whole year. It seems easier to me to have a "stop" date because last time I just got burnt out thinking about how it was a lifetime thing. So I am putting it here as a kind of accountability
I am going to try to post daily, not just stats but my feelings, concerns, food and really anything else that occurs to me along the way. If you dont want to read it, dont. I do however hope that someone will take something away from it.
I was on a site and I made many frienda there but for some reason it never made me feel accountable to myself. It got to be more of a social site than a tool. I will continue to use site for tracking but will most likely avoid the boards and forums.
So here it is. Day 1
Today I weighed in at 250 exactly. When I first started a few years ago, I was 270. I eventually got down to 190 and was content. I felt good, thought I looked good and was happy. I think maybe a got a little complacent and then when I started gaining weight I just said fuck it.
This time im going to avoid that. Im going to eat better. Im going to try some easy exercises, and actually work out a plan instead of just winging it.
Of course the only thing ive eaten so far today was a whataburger meal and some gummy bears. Off to a rough start :/
Its ok. I got this.