Monday, September 10, 2012

What a wedding!

So, I have been preparing for this whole wedding thing for a long time.  Many members of my family have invested so much time, energy, money, and brainpower into this thing and it finally came to fruition on Saturday, Sept. 8th.  It was AMAZING. 

Let me just tell you, its great how much a crap load of tool and some Christmas lights can transform a relatively bland space.   The colors of the wedding were mainy white, pink, and camo.  It was very down home country and it was LOADS of fun.  I am not a fan of dresses, dancing, hair, makeup, and weddings in general, but this one has taken the cake as the best one I have been to so far. 

I spent the week before in a tizzy or preperation and parties.  Had to get things all set up and frankly, drink as much as possible!!   

I wish I had some pictures to show, I may have to add some later.  All I can say is, the ceremony was beautiful, the decorations were great, the minister was loud and clear, and the bride and groom both said "I do".  What more can you ask for right?

Well, how about amazing BBQ, homemade tortillas, potato salad, homemade mints, great cake, funny and sappy toasts, loads of dancing and damn near an entire bar drained of alcohol (which is only the very slightest of exagerations.  Small town Texas knows how to drink??) 

Best of all, I got to spend some good quality time with my family and friends and watch my sister get married to the love of her life.

What more can a big sister ask for?

Oh....the custom koozies of course.  WIN!