Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A 3am rant about corporate greed

Ok, so not so much a rant, just venting some annoyance. Look, if you want to leave your Thanksgiving dinner early to fight crowds and save like 8 bucks on a tv, good for you. Sadly, if you wish to do that, there are scads of people that would equally rather spend their "holiday" with their families that are basically being forced to come serve your want. Sure, we get monetarily rewarded with bonuses and such, but it's really not worth it to give up my holiday. I don't even KNOW my schedule next week, because they still haven't posted it, but I already do know I won't be having Thanksgiving this year, unless by some miracle I have to be given the weekend off. I'm certain my Thursday will consist of going to work Wednesday night to prep for Black Friday, coming home at 8 or so, going to bed, getting up, showering and going back to be there so they can let in crowds of people at 9. That's 9 PM ON THURSDAY! What the hell? Corporate greed and the need to chase that dollar is costing a lot of families a very important holiday this year. Just remember that when you are out fighting over toys.


  1. To me, Black Friday is a perfect follow-up to Thanksgiving. We have a holiday that blatantly lies and covers up the dastardly and thieving nature of our forefathers, in which afterwards we go out and stake claim to items that weren't ours to begin with. In the process, we make the "indigenous people" of retail stores go through hell, then have to clean up our mess that we made of our land. If that's not history repeating itself, I'm not sure what is.

  2. Regardless of the origin of Thanksgiving, I find it is one of my favorite holidays, as no on expects anything from me except a little food and family time. We don't have to go anywhere, thousands of dollars are not being spent, and we do things like play board games after dinner, or they watch football and snooze after a long day of hunting season. Other people even wash the dishes for me! It is a sharing, family oriented holiday. I'm sorry that this is being taken from you- it sucks! I won't be shopping on Thursday night. Heck I don't shop on Friday either!

  3. It's also one of my favorite holidays. To be honest, I don't care why we started celebrating a holiday, but I do enjoy spending the time with my family, large meals, good fun and a little drinking. I live so far away from my family that I don't see many of them often, and now even this opportunity is being taken away from me. At least they are working with me to free up my weekend so we can spend some time with my husbands family in Kansas over the weekend. We see them even less than we see my family.
